IDE Setup (Windows)
Install Git
Create a folder c:\src\flutter
Download the latest version of and extract it into c:\src\flutter
Update path environment variable
Install Android Studio
Install Visual Studio
Install VS Code
Run flutter doctor command to check for any errors in the installation
IDE Setup (MacOS)
Install X-code
Create a folder Macintosh HD:/Users/*******/Documents/flutter
Download the latest version of and extract it into Macintosh HD:/Users/*******/Documents/flutter
Update path in .zshrc file
Install Android Studio
Install VS Code
Run flutter doctor command to check for any errors in the installation
How to create a new Flutter project?
Create a folder c:\src\projects or Macintosh HD:/Users/*******/Documents/projects
Navigate to the projects directory in the terminal using the command: cd
Create a new flutter project using the command: flutter create project_name
Open the project folder in VS Code and launch the app using: Run >> Run Without Debugging
Important VS Code Shortcuts
CMD + Shift + P : Command Palette
CMD + .(dot) : Quick Fix
CMD + /(slash) : Comment or Un-comment